
Reality for



A revolution in education starts now. Virtual Reality is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing the way we learn. The immersive classroom can be everything, be everywhere, and for everyone.

A New Horizon

for Learning

For far too long we faced many challenges and constraints that kept learning from breaking free from the traditional classroom. We heard teachers talking about the moon but they were never able to take a student there; We always heard how big and powerful dinosaurs were, but were never able to get near the living being and have a full notion of its size and scale; Firefighters could never practice in a situation as dangerous as the ones they face in a daily basis without the risk of being hurt; Pilots and Drivers were always limited by expensive machines and simulators availability to practice their skills; People sometimes wish they had a chance to train their sales pitch as many time as they wanted with someone other than a mirror; Mothers and Fathers would love to be able to be part of a training without having to spend days in a trip away from their families; Trainees would be better prepared if more of the company’s training were available to them;

In a few examples we can see a lot of ways of how the learning experience could be improved if less constraints were present, and that’s why Virtual Reality is revolutionizing the training industry. VR is a powerful tool that opens the possibility to create highly believable virtual worlds and simulations while also offering fast and affordable frameworks and hardware. This is the present and future of training and here at Broders we are specialists in producing this type content. Open your mind and experiment with it, it all starts with the wish of innovation, the desire of going beyond, to evolve and to find new ways. We believe that access to knowledge by the opportunity of learning is the most powerful way to build a better company, a better society and a better future – and Virtual Reality is a way to get there faster.

design methodology







  • Learn By Doing with Simulations and Role-Play
  • Interactive, Immersive and Gamefied Design
  • Unlimited Tries and Infinite Replayability
  • Learn Anytime, Anywhere
  • Avoid Distractions, Full Attention from Participants
  • Next Level Engagement
  • Possible Impossible Scenarios
  • Faster Learning by Exploring Muscle and Spatial Memory
  • Technical and Soft Skills Possibilities
  • Different Perspectives and Powerful Empathy Tools
  • Tailor Made Content Creation
  • Solid Standards in Content Distribution 
  • Avoid Travels, Save Time and Money
  • Ready to Scale Worldwide
  • Proved Improved Results
  • Detailed Data Collection and Analysis 
  • User Management and History
  • LMS integration via xAPI
  • Easy Deploy with Mobile Device Management 
  • Real Time Collaboration (WIP)
  • Artificial Intelligence Integration (WIP)

Featured work

Broders Interactive Reel

Guia Ford Territory 360 / FORD

Sales Training Demo / Non-Disclosure


Products Sales Training / MOTRIO


Stockcar PitStop VR / CHEVROLET

Weber Magic House / SAINT-GOBAIN

Renault Special Event / INTEROZONE

Led Zeppelin In Concert / CLARO-ERICSSON

Via Parque Shoppting / ALIANSCE

Madame Galéria / PCVR

Fishing Trash / PCVR

Bomb Squad / LBE PCVR

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